An AATF, which stands for Approved Authorised Treatment Facility, holds a license granted by the Environment Agency for the treatment of waste electrical and electronic wastes. This designation represents the highest standard of licensing available for sites engaged in treating WEEE. The treatment processes conducted at an AATF can encompass depollution, disassembly, shredding, recovery, or preparation for disposal.
Any operator managing a site or sites that directly receive WEEE from a designated collection facility (DCF), distributor, or end-user has the opportunity to apply for approval as an AATF. Exclusive to operators of approved ATFs (AATFs) is the authority to issue evidence notes certifying the treatment, recovery, or recycling of WEEE within the UK. These evidence notes play a crucial role for Producer Compliance Schemes, as they assist “producers” in demonstrating that a specific amount of WEEE has undergone proper treatment, recovery, and recycling.
Moreover, evidence notes also acknowledge the contribution of re-use and refurbishment of entire appliances toward achieving recovery and recycling targets. Operators running facilities that collect whole items for re-use and refurbishment, like computers or large household appliances such as fridges, washing machines, or cookers, can apply to become an AATF. This designation enables them to issue evidence of re-use to compliance schemes and their respective producers, provided they operate under a waste management license or exemption.
In cases where an AATF plans to export WEEE or WEEE materials for additional treatment, recovery, or recycling, they must also hold the status of an approved exporter (AE). Similarly, if an AATF intends for another entity to handle the export of WEEE or WEEE materials for further treatment, recovery, or recycling, it is their responsibility to ensure that the chosen entity is approved to operate as an AE (Approved Exporter).
Mesh Waste only works with AATF’s and you will be issued a duty of care certificate for any waste collected. Click the link below to get a quote for WEEE recycling.